Integrated Master Planning for Suhar Automobile & Machinery City, & the Detailed Layout Planning For Support Facilities
The Integrated Masterplan of Suhar Automobile & Machinery City project is located within the larger Suhar Industrial Estate Master Plan located in the borders of Wilayat Suhar .The main purpose of the project is creating a hub of re-exporting 95% of vehicles to Asian, African and Middle East markets and importing 5% to the local market. The project area is composed of 3 plots: 3,4 & 6 with a total area of 984,923 sqm. The site is approximately 16 KM far from Suhar Industrial Port. The proximity to the port is considered a positive factor for the proposed project success.
The masterplan will host car showrooms & spare parts, heavy equipment & trucks showrooms, in addition to vehicle service facilities & truck parking yards. It is important to introduce a full integrated ROP traffic & customs directorate department to achieve an integrated masterplan.
Concept Design, Schematic Design, Detail Design & Tender Documents for the listed disciplines: 1. Master Plan Design including Development Control Guidelines Booklet. 2. Road Design 3. Storm Water Drainage Design 4. Sewerage Design 5. Water Supply Design 6. Fire Fighting Design 7. Electrical & Public Lighting Design 8. Telecommunication Design 9. Cost Estimates & BOQ preparation
Suhar, Sultanate of Oman